When an asphalt pavement surface deteriorates to the point of needing repair, an asphalt overlay is an effective solution. A standard asphalt overlay consists of a new layer of asphalt applied over the existing asphalt surface. The thickness of an overlay is typically 1 – 2 inches. The condition and type of asphalt as well as volume of traffic are factors that will determine the repair.

The existing asphalt surface may be milled if grades need to be maintained or altered. Milling is a process in which a machine is used to plane the pavement surface to an appropriate depth before it is covered with the new layer. Once the milling is finished and the overlay is completed, the customer is left with a new surface, ready for pavement marking.

Asphalt Care Inc. continually invests in state of the art milling equipment. This practice allows us to make certain that we are accurate in our elevations. Using current, top-of-the-line equipment also ensures 100% recycling of all material removed from a job site.

Excavation is an option if the entire damaged asphalt and sub-base must be removed from the site.

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